31st May, 2024: Students of Political Science Department, Kohima College attend the film screening of “Survey City” at the Highland Research Institute, Kohima

4 students (Kikhosou Rume, Sarah Ezung, Doma & Kedeneizo) from the Department of Political Science attended the film screening of “Survey City” as part of a & interdisciplinary learning process. It is a film about the mysterious life of documents, jointly directed by Tarini Manchanda, Sanjay Srivastava, and Matt Birkinshaw.

22nd March, 2024: Department of Political Science held a Parents-Teachers Meet for students with weak attendance

The purpose of this meeting was for the department to understand the root cause behind why some students admitted to the Political Science Honours programme had consistently weak attendance; And furthermore, to co-opt parents in resolving the issue.

27th February, 2024: Department of Political Science organised its annual visit to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly for the 6th Semester Honours students during the budget session

Learning Outcome submitted by Kikhosou Rume 6th semester, Political Science Honours

The invaluable insights gleaned from my visit to the 14th session of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on the auspicious day of February 27th, 2024, resonate deeply within me. As I reflect upon the experience, I learned profound lessons encapsulating the essence of democratic governance and civic engagement. The following points encapsulate the essence of my enlightening encounter:

  1. Understanding Legislative Process: Witnessing the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly provided a firsthand understanding of how laws are proposed, debated, and enacted. The session highlighted the importance of legislative committees, question hour, and debates in shaping public policy.
  2. Governance Dynamics: Observing the interactions between elected officials, and stakeholders shed light on the complexities of governance. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of different actors within the legislative framework deepened our appreciation for the challenges and opportunities in governing a diverse state like Nagaland.
  3. Roles of Elected Representatives: The visit highlighted the roles and responsibilities of elected representatives in representing their constituencies. Observing legislators articulate the concerns of their constituents and engage in debates underscored the importance of effective representation in the democratic process.
  4. Political Discourse: The session showcased the diversity of political opinions and ideologies within the Assembly. Observing the debates and discussions on various topics and issues underscored the importance of respectful dialogue and compromise in democratic decision-making.
  5. Public Policy: The agenda of the session included discussions on critical issues facing Nagaland, such as infrastructure development, Free Movement Regime ( FMR ) and border fencing announced by the Central Government, advance GST collection and the identification of economically backward villages, concerns regarding agriculture productivity and drug control measures. Witnessing these deliberations provided valuable insights into the priorities of the state government and the challenges in addressing complex societal issues.
  6. Understanding Civic Engagement: Attending the Legislative Assembly session encouraged civic engagement by allowing us to witness democracy in action. By observing the proceedings and engaging with elected representatives, we gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of active citizenship and participation in the democratic process.
  7. Debating Skills and Civic Discourse: The session showcased various debating skills and styles employed by legislators during discussions on different legislative matters. It emphasized the significance of civil discourse, respectful disagreement, and the exchange of ideas in shaping public policy.
  8. Understanding Current Issues: Being present at the Legislative Assembly session provided valuable insights into the pressing issues facing Nagaland . Discussions on topics such as infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and regional development shed light on the priorities and challenges confronting the state.
  9. Democratic Participation and Civic Engagement: Participation in the Legislative Assembly session underscored the importance of civic engagement in the democratic process. It highlighted the role of citizens in holding elected officials accountable and advocating for policies that address community needs
  10. Legislative Decorum: The visit allowed us to observe the decorum and procedures followed within the Assembly. This included understanding the roles and responsibilities of the Speaker, the protocols for raising questions and concerns, and the manner in which debates are conducted.

It enhanced our understanding of democracy and the role of elected representatives in shaping the future of Nagaland. This experience has instilled a greater appreciation for the complexity of governance and the importance of citizen engagement in the democratic process. We are grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying our learnings to contribute positively to our community and society.